Igor Kheifets – 1 Page website that doubled his conversions – Free Webinar

Igor Kheifets is the 3rd highest-earning super-affiliate in the internet marketing niche. Igor’s 2-step system has helped him consistently rank as the highest-earning and the highest-converting (measured in commissions earned per click) for industry’s leading vendors including but not limited to Matt Bacak, John Crestani and Anthony Morrison.
Igor may be better known to some people for Igor Kheifets Solo ads and less familiar with his excellent Elite super affiliate coaching program which aims to take complete beginners to becoming successful affiliate marketers.
During the upcoming workshop, Igor’s going to show you the secret behind his affiliate success.
If you are interested in attending his free workshop where he shows you what sets a super affiliate up way and above the ordinary Internet affiliate and why most affiliates fail to make any money.
This Free training is priceless and not to be missed!
Click here and Register now for Igor Kheifets FREE TRAINING WEBINAR and please remember to take lots of notes because he gives a lot away and you can be sure they will be useful to you.